
Become a partner

PropTech Angels is committed to building and fostering a community that has a shared vision – unlocking the entrepreneurial potential of PropTech innovators by backing startups through the facilitation of introductions to angel investors.


Real Estate

PropTech Angels is actively seeking partnerships with key players in the real estate industry. From established agencies to innovative startups, we invite real estate professionals to collaborate with us.


FinTech and Banking

We’re reaching out to finance leaders and banking institutions to join forces with us. By merging our collective expertise and resources, we can revolutionise the intersection of finance and real estate.


Development and Construction

Partner with us to foster groundbreaking solutions, enhance construction processes, and shape the future of property development. Together, we can build a more sustainable ecosystem.


Universities and Education Providers

We are exploring collaborations with universities and educational providers to foster the next generation of entrepreneurs through access to cutting-edge research and talent development.


Incubators and Accelerator Programs

Our call extends to incubator and accelerator programs specialising in proptech innovation. We invite collaborations that provide mentorship, resources, and a supportive ecosystem for emerging startups. 


Peak Bodies

PropTech Angels recognises the importance of collaboration in the property technology sector. We invite industry associations and peak bodies to partner with us in supporting proptechs.

Our Partners

We are committed to building and fostering a community that has a shared vision.

Partner with us

Are you interested in becoming a partner and supporting the growth of proptech? We offer a variety of partnership opportunities to align with your organisation’s goals and objectives.

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