Frequently Asked Questions


Our mission is to bring together a community of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to supporting and fostering the growth of property startups across Australia. We are passionate about connecting angel investors with the most promising entrepreneurs and startups, providing them with the resources and support they need to succeed and drive innovation, job and wealth creation in the real estate sector.

Whilst there is no universally accepted definition of angel investing, it is generally understood as the practice of high-net-worth individuals investing their own time and money in new businesses, with the goal of profiting from their long term growth. 

Joining the PropTech Angel Investment Network provides members the unique opportunity to work with proptechs and support the next generation of successful property technology businesses.

Additionally, members will benefit from:

  1. Groups can aggregate resources to provide counsel and capital to startups.
  2. Angel groups have a more efficient deal screening process that allow for multiple “checks and balances” by having a diversity of knowledge about the market, management and financial assumptions.
  3. New angels can learn from experienced angel investors on all aspects and steps of investing.

Angel investing is considered to be very high risk as most companies are in the early stages and will likely fail. Angel members differ from Venture Capitalists as they are investing their own funds and they are typically motivated by more than financial return – personal interest, the desire to give back and the thrill of being involved with an innovative company are all part of the decision to become an angel investor. Research indicates that 56% of startups fail, giving their members negative returns. For this reason, many angel investors choose to spread their risk by investing in multiple startups.

Startups to pitch will generally be early stage, regionally based, cross industry businesses startups looking to raise less than $1 million in funding and with a valuation of less than $6 million. 

Each investment made by a member is done as an individual, however there may be times when more than one angel may wish to invest in the same startup and as such you may be able to work together to pool your resources for Due Diligence purposes.

Our events are held both online and in person. 

No, however typically investments are in the range of $25,000 - $50,000.

Our members have a mix of backgrounds and professional skills such as business owners, management, finance, marketing, human resources or research subject matter experts.  Such diversity of backgrounds enables our members to work together in conducting Due Diligence on potential investment opportunities.

Startups are selected using the process outlined here on our website.

Given the individual risk each member takes upon investing, investors undertake their own assessment after each pitch event. There is no obligation to invest in any or all startups. You have the control to make your own decisions on who you invest with and the capital you are willing to contribute.

You can reach out to us at anytime via our Contact page.

You can apply to join as a member of PropTech Angels by visiting this page and submitting your application.

We're investing in the next generation of property startups across Australia


Discover the wealth of information available to you and take the first step towards building a brighter future for your business and the communities it serves. Our website is a wealth of information, where you can explore and browse through a variety of helpful guides and resources that cover a range of topics such as fundraising strategies, investment opportunities, and legal considerations.